– Time For Some Wider Perspectives & A Reality Check.
Going to prison is not easy for anybody—least of all someone who has been convicted of a hate crime, especially given how multicultural and diverse the prison system is. You can literally go from the docks of the highest court in the land where your ‘comrades’ are saluting you, through to some of the darkest and most depraved places in the country, because that is the reality of extremist involvemnet and where it can lead you. Personally, I had to learn the hard way because there was nobody who could have told me or prepared me for what was to come. My very first prison was in London, and it was very multicultural and at first this felt incredibly intimidating. I was offered a place on the Sex-Offenders wing as a matter of precaution given the seriousness of my offences—but I decided to decline and stay on main population to maintain some aspect of social respect and dignity.
At first, I was very guarded and kept my wits about me at all times and distanced myself from prisoners of different races to my own—I wanted to maintain my so called National Socialist identity and ideology in the fullest way possible.
After time elapsed, it became apparent that this was not possible as I was constantly drawn into various situations which led me to look at my own ideas and eventually challenge my own beliefs and gradually the barriers around me started to drop.
Having meaningful engagements and interactions with people of different races was something I honestly hadn't had before and sharing conversations, time and simply observing others ultimately proved the best antidote for my Far-Right views and beliefs—because hitherto, I had no interactions with people of different races. Standing back I was pleasantly surprised following these interactions because it left me to realise that I had been totally wrong, and in time I would make friends with different people who I could never have expected to during my time in the Far-Right. Being in Prison and as a Far-Right Extremist is hard, you are challenged, but ultimatly it gave me the knowledge I needed to openly challenge my own views within. Sure—it was no easy ride, and at times proved to be the most challenging obstacle I have ever had to overcome, but I made it happen. Many people are quick to make negative remarks about the justice system in this country, but I found that not only did my sentence offer my victims justice, but it also gave me the chance to change my life around and reject my Far-Right views, something i never, ever thought i would do. See—here is the thing, Far-Right extremism is totally incompatible in prison (unless you choose to isolate yourself and have no interactions during your stay). The very set-up of prison means that you must speak with other people, sometimes even come to rely on other people to surviv, as prison is tough for everyone, regardless of why people are there.
During my time in prison I remember speaking to a group of Reggae-loving Rastafarians who remembered the Brixton Race Riots and one of them had their daughter murdered in a racist attack. This hurt, and felt a great degree of sympathy for this man and guilt, for having been involved in the Far-Right myself and supporting views which ultimatly led to the tragic loss of this man's daughter and it is only when you are honest and let the truth in, that hate fades and dies. Prison can be a life-changing experience for anybody involved in extremism, not pleasant, it can change your life, and then when you leave, you can be ready to move on from what you went in for initially.
This is not an experience you will ever forget and at times it will be incredibly dark and fearsome, but if you are able to overcome this then greater things await you in the long run and with help from your family, REAL friends and others, change is possible. Need a chat? Call 0800 999 1945 or email us at: info@exithate.org Exit Hate offers No Judgement - Just Support and is here to help anyone who wants to walk away from hate and involvement in extremism.